Solve education challenges with a modern campus network


一个现代 campus network helps streamline operations, 降低成本, and offers a safe and caring place to work and study.


For many of today’s students, 他们第一次体验在线和混合学习环境是在全球卫生危机期间. 他们很喜欢.

增加课程交付的灵活性,使教育机构能够兼顾许多优先事项. 例如,提高以学生为中心的学习机会的质量,并使教师的角色更有价值. 解决蓬勃发展的需求,创建一个培育和支持的社区,帮助学生保持正轨并完成他们的教育. 防御一切威胁——包括物理空间和网络空间的威胁.

这对任何一个学校管理者或IT经理来说都是很难做到的. 在卫生危机之后,当如此多的正常工作被搁置时,这种情况现在在全球范围内达到了可怕的程度.


一个现代化的校园网可以方便、高效地安全支持大量用户, data, 设备, 跨有线和无线网络的端到端应用程序和系统, including off-campus locations. 它还提供对高容量带宽的快速访问,以支持从各个角度提高学生成功的应用程序和服务.

Let’s look at the demands today’s educational institutions face, 以及现代校园网如何帮助他们解决教育问题, wellness and safety challenges.

Student-centric service delivery

现代校园网络使教育机构能够永久地满足学生的偏好, learning styles and the need for flexibility. 现有的网络基础设施在大流行期间匆忙进行了调整,以满足紧急和所谓的临时需求. 与此形成鲜明对比的是, 现代网络基础设施从头开始设计和构建,以提供安全性, reliability and performance needed for consistent, high-quality online course delivery.

现代网络还使学生和教师能够将新的和更复杂的数字学习工具和技术纳入他们的课程-无论他们是在校园内还是远程参与. For more engaging and interactive educational experiences, students can take advantage of HD video, 虚拟现实, augmented reality and other cutting-edge technologies.

For primary and secondary students, 现代化的网络完全支持个性化的学习教学法, 1:1 device classrooms and secure adoption of science, 技术, 工程 and mathematics (STEM) and science, 技术, 工程, arts and mathematics (STEAM) curricula.

A nurturing and supportive environment

长期以来,学业和社会压力给学生带来了精神上的痛苦, particularly in higher education. 然而, 过去几年的压力和不确定性,再加上不断上涨的租金, 食物和学费——把学生们的焦虑推向了新的高度. 结果是, many students are struggling with low energy, 集中的问题, 抑郁症和其他阻碍学习成绩的挑战.

现代校园网支持有助于应对心理健康挑战的关键应用和服务. Online campus communities give students an easy way to collaborate, communicate with professors, engage in meaningful activities and connect with other students. T在这里 are also digital nudge technologies that provide reminders, 提醒和资源,帮助学生保持轨道和感觉被重视.

Optimal campus safety and resilience

保护校园里每个人的人身安全、保护他们的个人数据和课程内容的技术至关重要. 一个安全可靠的, 高容量, 覆盖室内和室外空间的高速网络满足了这些需求.

To improve collective safety, 大规模通知系统可以即时提醒学生和工作人员紧急事件,如火灾, 洪水, 气体泄漏, approaching storm or other threats.

为了个人安全, 应急按钮, 安全热线和警报可以在整个校园内实施,并通过校园安全仪表板进行集中监控.

When it comes to campus resilience, 在突发事件和紧急情况发生期间和之后,该网络继续提供在线学习和关键的校园服务. 它还包括强大的网络安全机制,防止未经授权的网络访问.


In addition to student success initiatives, 现代化的校园网有助于教育机构简化运营, 降低成本 and build their brand. 采用尖端的科技环境,采用引人入胜的教学方法, 机构可以在提供安全保障的环境中建立面向未来的声誉, caring and appealing place to work and study.

升级为现代, campus-wide network is a significant undertaking, 因此,与拥有丰富经验的网络合作伙伴合作非常重要, technical expertise and a flexible, 具有成本效益的方法. 找对了搭档, strategy and network technologies, educational institutions can create a secure, 灵活和高性能的以太网和Wi-Fi网络,支持教育, wellness and safety goals of students and staff – campus wide.



Global Sales Lead, Education Vertical

格雷格Kovich leads global sales for ALE’s Education vertical.  Greg has overseen or created several 教育解决方案s including “The Fundamentals of Communications” – a vendor neutral course on digital network communications; “安全的校园” – a solution uniting emergency alerts with first responder collaboration and mass notification; “Secure Campus” – a solution that allows instructors to limit student network access to determined sites; and “Pandemic 教育的连续性” – a solution that enables classroom instruction in the event the institution is closed due to health or environmental crisis. 




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Supply chain resilience and business adaptability



Solve education challenges with a modern campus network

一个现代 campus network helps streamline operations, 降低成本, and offers a safe and caring place to work and study.


Revitalise education with a modern campus network

一个现代, campus-wide network upgrade aligns capabilities with academic, research and business priorities today and tomorrow. 


Education today: Why modernising campus networks is a must


标签- 业务连续性

